At Virginia Dental care, your dentists in Arlington, VA, we advise our patients to schedule a visit with our team every 6 months. These routine visits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. But unfortunately, a significant number of people persist in believing that these visits are not justified if no signs or symptoms are felt or detected. Thus, our team has decided to share with you, through this article, 5 reasons why you should not neglect routine visits! FOR A COMPLETE CLEANING OF YOUR TEETH We cannot be certain that we will properly eliminate, during our daily oral hygiene routine, all the dental plaque and all the bacteria that accumulate in our mouths and on the surface of our teeth. Therefore, cleaning your teeth is the first good reason to visit your dentist and hygienist regularly. Thanks to their specialized tools, they can remove all dental plaque and bacteria, even in the parts of your mouth that are more difficult to access. They can also remove t...